2014 New York Screenplay Contest Official Finalists

Action / Adventure

  • "Stingray" written by Dianna Zimmerman
  • "Geert the Elf" written by Stephen Stull
  • "Requiem" written by Irene Suver
  • "Mumbai" written by Clarence Naiman and Simon Heath
  • "Submission" written by Bruce Rose
  • "The Spy in Canaan" written by Howard Schack
  • "Gioacchino Lupara (Shotgun Jack)" written by Thomas Ascenzi
  • "GP1 Clones” written by Ren Kolb
  • "Crime Ex" written by Charles Hahn
  • "The Lucky Charm" written by Melvin Kling Jr.

Biographical / Historical

  • "Etty Hilesum - A Love Story" written by Ruth Garbus
  • "The Last Monsoon" written by Franklin Gaskin
  • "Libertaire” written by Elizabeth Indianos
  • "Brooklyn Odyssey” written by Tony Giordano
  • "Poster Girl" written by Jessica Folk
  • "The Poet's Wife" written by Amber Karlins
  • "Samson" written by Parker Wallace
  • "Joining Up" written by John McGuire
  • "Clash of Iron” written by Richard Reed
  • "Hegira" written by Gannon Kenney


  • "Skin" written by Alberto Diamante
  • "Melina’s Dream" written by Leonidas Demas
  • "The Inner Nymph" written by Jane Petreycik
  • "The Roomate" written by Rob Tyler
  • "Going 88MPH" written by Douglas Russo
  • "Puerto Rican Pair-A-Dice" written by Mitch Emoff
  • "Something in Susan" written by Serge Kushnier
  • "Devil By the Toe" written by Jeffrey Rubin
  • "Out of Brooklyn" written by Debi Calabro-Tuccio
  • "Donna Rose - Queen of Hearts" written by James Sullivan


  • "The Ivory Coast" written by Joshua Katz
  • "Truesong" written by Eve Spence
  • "Hachimitsu" written by Armando Lantigua
  • "La Tierra Que Yo Amo (Land That I Love)" written by Jonathan LaPoma and Natalia Porras Sivolobova
  • "The House in The Woods written by Giorgio Pirazzini
  • "Bitumen Blues" written by Nattalia Lea and Bill Cody
  • "There's Something Wrong with Mom" written by Joy McCaffrey
  • "Torn" written by Heather Rombone
  • "The Whole Mishpocha" written by Susan Baruch
  • "The Cyclist" written by Tom Milano

Family Film

  • "Goodbye, Kid. Hurry Back" written by Terri Kauffman
  • "Underwood" written by Theresa Giese
  • "Bill, The Pirate" written by Todd Selleck
  • "Bon Temps" written by Annie Kananack
  • "The Double Dutch Club" written by Mabel E. Singletary
  • "At the Intersection" written by Andrii Kovalov
  • "A Ghost Story Of Christmas" written by Eddie Yaroch
  • "The Ball Boy" written by Thomas Doyle
  • "Elena's Fire written by Bill Morales
  • "Drosselbart" written by Effie Bathen

Horror / Sci-Fi

  • "Sleeing Red" written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
  • "I H8 NY" written by Damien Paris
  • "Anastasia’s Pyramid" written by Carlos Burgaleta
  • "Sardis the Merciful" written by Christian Thomas
  • "Burning Sky" written by Nathan Burgun
  • "Harlow's Plague" written by Myriam Roelli
  • "The Crazed Method" written by Bille Anthony
  • "Raythu Rising" written by Brad Carpenter
  • "Sixx of Odd" written by Edward Viverette
  • "Serial Brothers" written by Justin Kagan


  • "Crave" written by Tina Quach
  • "American Hell" written by Nicholas Begnaud and Robert Bryce Milburn
  • "The Demon of Hope Street" written by Craig Peters
  • "Feeding the Sharks" written by Douglas Beer
  • "Life of Kings" written by Daniel Russell
  • "Clutter" written by Mark Lindberg
  • "Ruby Diamond City" written by Tim Hewitt
  • "The Lake" written by Carley Andrews
  • "The Abyss Of Pain" written by David Sabbath
  • "4 Corners" written by David Morring


  • "Mine is Yours" written by Ann Hawker
  • "Desert Rain" written by M Colleen Burns
  • "The House" written by Lendita Zeqiraj
  • "The Dominion" written by Melissa Cook
  • "Signs, Songs & Optimism" written by Sharen Wood
  • "Fair Play" written by Michael Pica
  • "Abhishap - The Curse" written by Kirshna Behari
  • "The Conductor" written by Kyle Works
  • "The Open Road" written by Corey Swim
  • "Remember Who You Belong To" written by Caleb Alexander

Short Screenplay

  • "Zoo" written by Annemarie Lawless
  • "Going Home" written by Nir Shelter
  • "The Hotel Room" written by Jeffery van Davis
  • "Red Run" written by Anders Vacklin
  • "The Bequest" written by Joan Golden
  • "The City Wild" written by Edward Cleary
  • "Home Inc." written by Daniel Díez Colinas
  • "At the Lightbulb Museum" written by David Klein
  • "Head Trip" written by Shade Streeter
  • "True Companion" written by Arturo Olivares

Stage Play

  • "Etty Hillesum: A Love Story" written by Ruth Garbus
  • "The Donors" written by Jessica Lemes da Silva
  • "For the Record" written by B.J. Burton
  • "Service to Love" written by Denis Edwards
  • "La Vida Abajo" written by Kristin Goodman
  • "Parable of the Asses" written by Elaine Chekich
  • "Horatio Street" written by Ian Sax
  • "One More Night" written by Eleutherios Kakathimis
  • "Critter" written by Michael McClendon
  • "Aoede's 'What Are Dreams Made Of?" written by Lisa Sniderman


  • "The Other Fate" written by Sandra Stoodley
  • "Solomon's Choice" written by Richard Geiwitz
  • "The Heir" written by Alessandro Neckels
  • "True Believer" written by Richard Geiwitz
  • "Liberty's Friend" written by Sandra Stoodley
  • "My Sweet Babushka” written by Olena D. Adams
  • "Mistletoe Fever" written by Jennifer Snow
  • "Rook" written by Anders Vacklin
  • "Carthage Must Die" written by Jonathan Gunning
  • "Scorpio" written by Shahid Muhammed

Television Pilot - Drama

  • "Haven" written by Larry Brothers
  • "Red Coats" written by Tomax Aponte
  • "Border State" written by Diana Garrett and Kayden Phoenix
  • "The Reckoning" written by David Hendon
  • "Hood" written by Greg Hart
  • "Welcome To Oakland" written by Laura Spaeth
  • "Pound for Pound" written by Travis Hodgkins
  • "The Gower Chronicles: Operation Red Star" written by Rebecca Handley
  • "Grey Matters" written by Ian Longacre
  • "Immune" written by John Murray

Television Pilot - Sitcom

  • "Grow Up" written by Denishea Bright
  • "Held Back" written by Thaddeus Hackworth
  • "End of The Line" written by Andrea Gardner
  • "Talent Show" written by Ira Allen
  • "Inexperienced" written by Cass Russell
  • "The Three Dorks" written by Dorien Makhloghi
  • "Beck & Call" written by Susan Loeffler
  • "Bitter Berta" written by Kristin Vig
  • "Recess H.S" written by Marcus Hayden
  • "BubbleWrap" written by Dominic-Madori Davis

Television Spec Script

  • "Girls Juggalo" written by Valerie Nies
  • "The Big Bang Theory - The Wallet Experimentation" written by David Minaskanian
  • "Girls Divorce Song" written by Erica Lies
  • "The Mindy Project - Bondage" written by Rachel Wortherley
  • "Modern Family Pinball Wizard" written by Jonathan Schawbe
  • "Under His Wing" written by Gabriele Cheng
  • "Dr. Who - No Mans Land" written by Justin Scott
  • "The Simpsons - "Chute to Kill" written by Michael Gibney
  • "New Girl - Crafty" written by Dominic Morris
  • "The Anatomy of Murder" written by Kristy Hamilton

Television Concept

  • "Bullet Trace" written by Anna Bierhaus
  • "Dogs of Service" written by Elaine Chekich
  • "Bad Betty" written by David Livingstone
  • "Overunity Unleashed" written by Kevin Heddwyn
  • "Double Dream” written by Valerio De Bonis
  • "Working Actor" written by Benjamin Seay
  • "Office Pirates" written by Loren Marie Story
  • "Road to Stand Up" written by Keith Paradise
  • "The House" written by Cindy Lee
  • "Thank You, Mr. Zuckerberg" written by Ed Purchla